Lha Bab Düchen morning streaming — from Lerab Ling
Lha Bab Düchen morning streaming — from Lerab Ling
Exploración inicial y fundamentos

Lha Bab Düchen morning streaming — from Lerab Ling

November 22nd 7:00 am - November 22nd 11:30 am CET

Lha Bab Düchen is one of the four major Buddhist holidays. It is the day commemorating the descent of Buddha from Indra’s heaven, where Buddha’s mother had been reborn. To repay her kindness and to liberate her, and also to benefit the gods, Buddha spent three months teaching in the realm of the gods. 

On this day the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied 10 million times. Let's celebrate this day together with a joyful practice.

As usual, we have organized Freeing of Lives—fish release 🐬 🐠 🐟 🐡 🐠 🐟 🦈 🐡 🐠 🦈 🐬—through Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche in Nepal. If you wish to contribute to this practice you can do so HERE.

The dedication:
For the long life of all great masters and lineage holders of the Buddha Dharma, especially for Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, including all main holders of the Rigpa sangha: Patrick Gaffney, the Vision Board and all its teachers, practice holders and activity holders. May everything be auspicious for Sogyal Rinpoche's reincarnation eventually be identified without mistake, instantly becoming a perfect manifestation of the Buddha's wisdom and compassion. For the worldwide sangha to grow and keep supporting our lineage so that Rigpa can flourish long into the future – just as Sogyal Rinpoche envisioned.

The event is open to all students. Especially all Buddha prayers can be done by everyone. To do the Riwo Sangchö practice, you need a Guru Rinpoche empowerment. You may want to light a Riwo Sangchö incense stick. If you don't have the empowerment, please focus on your own personal practice, and enjoy the atmosphere.

This event is streamed in English only.


Zabtik Drolchok — streamed from Dharma Mato Berlin
please use the extra link only for the Zabtik Drolchok practice that day

  • The Eight Noble Auspicious Ones 
  • Wang Dü, incl. teaching
  • Buddha Sadhana by Mipham Rinpoche (in English)
  • Riwo Sangcho 3x
  • Chapter 10 Bodhicharyavatara
short break (30min)

10.15-12.30 more Buddha prayers (in English)
  • Bodhisattva Vow
  • About Buddha & the meaning of this day
  • Father and Mother Sutra NEW
  • Homage to Buddhas & Bodhisattvas
  • Buddha & the 16 Arhats
  • Brief Manjushri prayers
  • Tung Shak (Sutra of the Three Heaps)
  • Prayer for the Future of the Dharma & dedication prayers

Below you can download the texts for this streaming:
  • The Buddha Sadhana by Mipham Rinpoche
  • Shyidal, a local protector of the Kham region Trehor (the home of the Lakar family). On Sogyal Rinpoche's request, Lerab Ling inserts Shyi Dal into the first Lungta prayer. New translation 2023.
  • Father and Mother Sutra
  • Chapter 10 Bodhicharyavatara

  • The Bodhisattva Vow can be downloaded from ZAM in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian
  • All other prayers for Session 2 - in one file:
    Homage to Buddhas & Bodhisattvas, Buddha & the 16 Arhats,  Brief Manjushri prayers, Tung Shak (Sutra of the Three Heaps) & Prayer for the Future of the Dharma

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